I bought GIS Kit approx. 13 months ago and there hasnt been a single substantive update since. The only updates have been bug fixes and cosmetic tweaks and that is extremely disappointing given that I paid the hefty price tag more for the apps considerable potential then for its current set of features. One of the most perplexing things is that Garafka makes a product called GPS Kit, as opposed to GIS Kit, and it has better capabilities (e.g., track logs). I have GIS Kit on both my iphone and my ipad and havent used it all field season despite the fact that it burns my #$@#$ that I paid that much for an app. I contacted the developers on multiple occasions to ask about potential features and they never ever had anything intelligible to say. Finally, apple products simply cannot collect professional GPS-GIS data because Apple doesnt allow the necessary bluetooth protocols, i.e., the serial port protocol needed to permit survey grade GPS units to connect to iOS devices.
Wait for the Windows 8 devices.
Gomphus about GIS Kit, v2.0.2