I have had this app downloaded about 4 weeks and am very satisfied with how well it is working in both online and offline field use. I use ArcView and it is of great help when preparing the numberous features have been added to Gis Kit.
We are in the oil and gas and real estate business and really needed an app that used the the great features of the iPad. I bought my iPad 2 especially for the field use and have both a keyboad folio and a case expecially for field use.
Version 1.9.4 is uploading my shape files and they are displaying on the map beautifully.
The edit tools are easy to adjust for both points & polygons.
It is very easy to display points or polygons so they will stand out on the map and are easy to find in the field.
The ESRI software and recommended hardware are very expensive and Gis Kit does a good job and saves a bunch of money.
Because accuracy is of the upmost importance in our businesses, GIS Kit has the potential to revolutionize what we do.
It would be great to choose any attrubute field as the label on the map. (Shape files)
If an existing attruibute field could be amended to have website links, this could save copy and paste to achieve the same result (Shape files)
If point files could use a field value to determine the symbol to use, then points could be labeled. (Shape Files)
I know that the cons will probably represent future updates, but look forward to these improvements.
I really like this app and we should profit from it. I will do an update to this reveiw as I gain more experience using it in the field.
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